Using Credits to Access Alibaba Cloud Labs
This topic describes how to use credits to access Alibaba Cloud Labs.
What are Credits and How to Use Them?
- Purpose of Credits: Credits are exclusively used for Alibaba Cloud Labs. Each Alibaba Cloud Lab consumes a specific number of credits.
- Acquiring Credits: You can purchase credits via PayPal or redeem them using vouchers provided by Alibaba Cloud instructors.
Checking Your Credit Balance and Recharging
- Viewing and Recharging Credits: To view your credit balance and recharge history, go to the ‘My Profile’ page accessible from the dropdown under your avatar. Then, click to enter the ‘Credits’ page.
- Recharging Process: You can recharge your credits on this page using PayPal. The rate for purchasing credits is $1 for 10 credits.
Why Are Alibaba Cloud Lab Attempts Limited?
- Limitation Due to Costs: Due to cost considerations, Alibaba Cloud labs are typically restricted to a single attempt by default.
- Accessing Labs: Once you pay the required credits, you’ll gain access to a lab for one attempt.
- Additional Attempts: If you wish to repeat the lab after completing it, you will need to pay the credits for that lab again.
- Unlimited Access to Documentation: However, you can view the lab documentation as many times as you like without any restrictions.
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